全球十大网赌正规平台 marked the beginning of its 200th academic year today, when 乔安妮·伯格-斯威尼总统 welcomed the Class of 2027 as the first class to matriculate in the College’s third century.

New students process into the 毕业典礼及入学典礼. Sarah McCoy拍摄.

“T在这里’s something truly special about the arrival of a new group of students, the anticipation of the opportunities that await 你 in 你r Trinity journeys, 和 our faith that 你 will transform this place for the better as 你 transform 你rselves,伯格-斯威尼在听证会上说 毕业典礼及入学典礼 在科佩尔社区体育中心.

除了2027届的590名学生, others joining the Trinity community include 39 transfer students 和 five new 个性化学位课程 学者. Those gat在这里d to celebrate the arrival of the new students included faculty 和 staff members, 父母, 家庭, 和朋友.

Berger-Sweeney说 that a liberal arts education can serve as an antidote to what she called “the outrage addiction” that permeates society 和 media. “A liberal arts education at Trinity teaches analytical 和 nuanced thinking 和 an appreciation of different perspectives, 用心倾听, 恭敬地回应,”她说。. “你会学到细微的差别, 和, 正如我喜欢说的, 你将学会“如何”学习和“如何”思考, 而不是“怎么想”.”

乔安妮·伯格-斯威尼总统 welcomes new students to 全球十大网赌正规平台.

当他介绍全球十大网赌正规平台时 周年纪念 Matthew S班. 海德, 招生和经济援助主任, said that members of the Class of 2027 represent a truly global community. “The most local among 你 can skip about a half mile to her 哈特福德 home just a few blocks from 在这里, while the Bantam among 你 who journeyed the farthest will need to hop 9,376 miles across oceans 和 continents to his home in Melaka, 马来西亚,海德说.

该课程包括招收的学生运动员, 一队学者, 工程师, 哲学家, 神经系统科学家, 艺术家, 还有高中毕业生代表, 海德说. Twenty-eight class members are following a family member to Trinity, while 97 students will be the first in their 家庭 to earn a college degree.

“Your interests 和 intent, 你r ideas 和 ideals are vast 和 compelling,海德说. “不管你是怎么在我之前坐到这个位子上的, 让大家知道,今天, 你的班级, 你们的大学将你们团结在一起. 你们每个人都属于全球十大网赌正规平台.阅读更多关于2027届毕业生的信息 在这里.

杰克·麦克菲尔,24岁, 全球十大网赌正规平台学生会主席, speaks to fellow students.

杰克·麦克菲尔,24岁, 全球十大网赌正规平台学生会主席, told his fellow students about the community of which they are now a part. “The foundation of our community is the diverse tapestry of individuals that come together from all walks of life,他说. “这种多样性是我们的优势, our collective treasure that enriches our perspectives 和 fuels our growth. It’s not just about existing side by side; it’s the active embrace of our differences that makes us truly flourish.”

McPhail reminded students that they will not be alone during their time at Trinity. “这段旅程可能看起来令人生畏, 但这是共同的经历, 的友谊, 和 the collective wisdom of this community that will carry 你 through,他说.


在他作为学院秘书的欢迎辞中, 埃里克一. Galm, 音乐教授, challenged the newest members of the Trinity community to take ownership of their experiences 和 to create what they envision. “如果你觉得缺少了什么, get some friends together 和 make it happen over the next few years. Many of the clubs 和 groups that currently exist were started by 你r predecessors,” Galm said. “Remember that while dreams may come easily, making them come true is often a result of hard work.”

大卫·斯特林·布朗,06年, associate professor of English—delivering an address as both a faculty member 和 an alumnus—advised the new students to engage professors in conversations about how to thrive at the College. "明白你为什么来全球十大网赌正规平台, 和 take advantage of all opportunities to learn inside 和 outside of the classroom, 因为往往是这个过程教会了我们最多东西,他说.

大卫·斯特林·布朗,06年, associate professor of English, helps to prepare the lemonade toast.

从他自己的经历来看, 布朗补充道, “你完全可以改变主意, especially if doing so means honoring what 你 need or want, 尊重你的生活激情.” He reminded students that they will grow 和 evolve during their years at Trinity 和 that they should continue to seek out connections 和 help when they need it. “另外, 我知道全球十大网赌正规平台是哈特福德的一部分, Trinity is a part of the world; it is not a bubble that shields us all from anything. 它是一层可渗透的膜, 有创意的, 富有想象力的想法和分享可以而且确实会感动,布朗说. 最后,永远记住这一点:全球十大网赌正规平台选择了你 .”

在新生宣誓入学之前, Berger-Sweeney说, “Matriculation seeks to welcome incoming students formally to this fellowship of learners that makes Trinity such a very special place to spend one’s undergraduate years.”

乔安妮·伯格-斯威尼总统 offers a lemonade toast to the Class of 2027 和 to 全球十大网赌正规平台.

纪念他们被全球十大网赌正规平台录取, three representatives of the new students—a member of the Class of 2027, 转学生, 和 an IDP student—signed the College’s Matriculation book, 就像所有的新生在接下来的日子里一样. “Your addition to this book will serve as a reminder to 你 和 to all who are witnesses that 你 will approach 你r responsibilities with seriousness of purpose 和 with exemplary judgment,伯格-斯威尼说.

Following Trinity’s traditional lemonade toast using the 历史悠久的木制柠檬榨汁机, 索尼娅Cardenas, dean of the faculty 和 vice president for academic affairs, declared that the College’s 200th academic year was officially under way. “May each of 你 excel in 你r studies 和 be moved 和 transformed by the ideas 和 the intellectual passions 你 are about to encounter,”她说。.

New students take part in the traditional lemonade toast during the ceremony.

仪式开始了 班塔姆开始:新生迎新计划此次听证会将持续11天. 它将学生与校园资源连接起来, 帮助学生建立强大的三位一体身份, 并提供各种各样的机会 NEXT程序 for students to engage with campus partners in 哈特福德 和 beyond. 点击 在这里 查看完整的时间表.
